ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND URBANISM ARCH 371 (Dharwadker/E2) Junior Design Studio, Fall 2023, CRN 71852 MW 1:00-5:50PM Architecture Building Room 200, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Eyebeam Museum of Art and Technology, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, 2001
Create 2 precise section drawings (one longitudinal and one transverse). Re-visit the critique your team received during the Midterm Review, and consider how to develop and advance the design ideas through two distinct sections drawings.
The sections must communicate spatial and inhabitation qualities regarding the provided program, as well as an understanding of relative scale, adjacencies, and circulation. Study an assigned a Precedent section drawing for reference, instruction, and inspiration.
To analyze the design strategies of a precedent drawing, and to leverage the precedent drawing techniques towards novel speculation.
To explore inhabitation, building envelope, enclosure assembly, and structure.
To consider plan and section together while thinking vertically about the building.
The longitudinal section must be orthographic. The transverse section may be orthographic or perspectival.
Use strong contrast to articulate the poché of the section cut. Articulate appropriate dimensions to accommodate structure between floors and ceilings.
Both section drawings MUST include surrounding site features, including curb cuts for adjacent streets, adjacent train infrastructure, and references to the height and elevations of nearby buildings (where applicable) at minimum.
Utilize hatches, textures, patterns, shade and/or shadow to communicate lighting, materials, spatial hierarchy, and atmospheric character.
Incorporate human scale figures to clarify the scale of inhabitation, to animate the drawing with life, and to articulate programmatic clarity and distribution.
Articulate the distinction between front-of-house and back-of-house. Articulate the gradation of publicness (collectivity) and privacy (intimacy).
Indicate doors, windows/apertures, and other important openings between rooms and the building envelope.
Draw the specific inventory of things, as well as important furnishings, fixtures, or equipment that suggest program, activities, and inhabitation.
1/16” = 1’-0” minimum scale recommended as a starting point.
We may scale up to 1/8” = 1’-0” as details develop, especially for transverse.
Consider well-composed annotation, as required.
Drawing sizes determined by instructor per project.
Wednesday October 18 (Early day for E2): Desk crits—print drafts on 11x17 for markups. Studio will be held starting at 10:30 AM.
Monday October 23: Full draft of drawings ready at 1PM. Print on 11x17. Studio will be held at normal time.
Wednesday October 25: Review of revised plan and section drawings on Zoom (link below). Studio will be held at normal time, starting at 1PM.
Zoom Link:
ID: 869 9158 8696
Password: 385524
Field Operations, Beekman St. Plazas
MVVA, Eastern Market Neighborhood Framework and Stormwater Management Network Plan
Kennedy & Violich Architecture, Tozzer Anthropology Library
NADAAA, Telluride Transfer Warehouse
MVRDV, Werk12 Section and Project Images
MVRDV, ParkPodium
OMA, Centre Pompidou Jersey City