ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND URBANISM ARCH 371 (Dharwadker/E2) Junior Design Studio, Fall 2023, CRN 71852 MW 1:00-5:50PM Architecture Building Room 200, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Monday Nov. 13: Desk crits / Final review planning
Wednesday Nov. 15: Desk crits (NOTE: early studio day, starting at 10:30 AM)
Monday Nov. 20 and Wednesday Nov. 22: No class (Fall Break)
Monday Nov. 27: Final review dress rehearsal (mock up digital presentation)
Wednesday Nov. 29: Final Review, Temple Buell Hall Room 303, 1PM start time
Similar to the midterm review, your final presentation will have a combination of digital and physical materials. Please see below for the printing and presentation requirements. Please bring pins, models, printouts, and and other materials you need to the review space by 12:50PM on November 29.
ITEMS TO PIN UP (all printed on 11x17):
Title card with project name, your name, and “ARCH 371 Fall 2023”
Revised floor plans (all levels)
Revised transverse section (short section showing Lawrence Avenue)
One revised program diagram (can be axon, plan, section, or whatever format works best for your proposal)
One to two revised perspectives
Five 1”=40’ study models and two 1”=20’ revised models (from midterm)
Final design model (optional—not every project will have this)
DIGITAL PRESENTATION (10 minutes maximum):
Slide 1: Title Slide with project name, your name(s), and “ARCH 371 Fall 2023 Final Review”
Slide 2: Site Photos—discuss site visit and general observations in Chicago. (0.5 minute)
Slide 3: Neighborhood Portraits—discuss how site experience translated into portrait drawings. Put both portraits on this slide even if you are not working with your partner on the building design. (0.5 minute)
Slide 4: Design Process—thumbnails of process models, sketches, and any other process material organized into a grid. Call out key design ideas that informed your final proposal. Insert your initial perspective studies here if they are relevant. (1 minute)
Slide 5: Program Diagram—describe the overall program prompt and what program pieces you might be adding with your specific focus. Describe how you interpreted the “tool” library. (0.5 minute)
Slide 6: Ground floor plan—walk through the sequence of spaces at ground level, focus on connections and responses to neighborhood context. (1 minute)
Slides 7-8: Upper level plans (as needed)—walk through the sequence of spaces at the upper levels (1 minute)
Slide 9: Lawrence Avenue Elevation—explain major facade design decisions along Lawrence Ave. (1 minute)
Slide 10: Long Section—use key plan to show where it’s cut (1 minute)
Slide 11: Short Section—use key plan to show where it’s cut (1 minute)
Slides 12-14: Revised Perspectives—key views inside and outside the building (1 minute total)
Insert animation(s) into presentation—0.5 to 1 minute
Slide 15: Select one primary image to end the presentation on for discussion
Iker Gil is the founder of MAS Studio, Editor in Chief of the nonprofit MAS Context, and Executive Director of the SOM Foundation. Iker has edited or coedited several books including Radical Logic: On the Work of Ensamble Studio and Shanghai Transforming. He has curated multiple exhibitions including Nocturnal Landscapes, Poured Architecture: Sergio Prego on Miguel Fisac, and BOLD: Alternative Scenarios for Chicago, part of the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial. He was Associate Curator of the US Pavilion for the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale and cocurator of Exhibit Columbus 2020–2021.
Katherine Darnstadt founded Latent Design to leverage civic innovation and social impact to design more equitable spaces and systems. Since founding her practice in 2010, Katherine and her firm have prototyped new urban design systems to advance urban agriculture, support small business, created spaces for youth makers, advanced building innovation, and created public space frameworks.
Marco Trevisani is a multi-media artist who designs and creates at the intersection of visual arts, sound, space, all linked by technology. His creative endeavors engage graphic and user-interface design, traditional and electronic music composition and performance, creative coding, and creative consulting. His broad and extensive training includes as a experimental improv pianist, musical composer, architect, and digital designer. Marco holds a joint appointment in graphic design and architecture at Illinois.
Amir Halaby is an M.Arch candidate at the Graduate School of Design and is currently on the design team at BUREAU, based in Lisbon, Portugal.