ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND URBANISM ARCH 371 (Dharwadker/E2) Junior Design Studio, Fall 2023, CRN 71852 MW 1:00-5:50PM Architecture Building Room 200, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This studio explores architectural relationships among buildings, people, and things. Taken together, these sets of overlapping spatial companionships constitute the civic project that we call the city. How can architecture amplify pleasurable possibilities for storing, retrieving, and sharing the media and tools that are most relevant for contemporary life?
This studio is coordinated by Professor Joseph Altshuler and co-taught by Aneesha Dharwadker, Akima Brackeen, Hugh Swiatek, John Clark, Andres Lemus-Spont, and Gideon Schwartzman. Text excerpts and documents provided on this site are drafted by Prof. Altshuler with input from the other faculty.